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NIGHTSTREAM: Snap Judgment's Spooked: Lost In Time


I was pretty excited about this segment. There are a few more. These SPOOKED series are all about people recounting their experience from the supernatural, and apparently, they are real, genuine, lived. I am not here to judge on its authenticity. All I want to hear are some gritty, hair-raising accounts that make me think twice before getting up to fetch a glass of water at night. I want to be spooked. 

Lost in Time featured two accounts. The first has a woman and her friend driving into the pitch blackness of night. She had recently moved into a place where the locals gave a hard time reacting to her queries and actions. She took us 20 years ago when, as mentioned, she was driving with her friend at three in the dark. It was late, and they were searching for a place to rest. Suddenly, they came across a red illuminated neon light reading "Road House Saloon." When they entered, it felt like their visit was expected. The bartender smiled, poured them drinks. So far, so good. They were enjoying the mood when the woman noticed a strange thing. The people in the bar looked familiar with the ones in the paintings. When asked the bartender about this, he continued smiling and shrugged as if he knew nothing. She took the matter up with ladies in the bar, but they didn't even change their expressions. 

Now, this is the ideal time to get out of the situation. Just run away. If she were alone, the woman might have left. But the friend, oh the friend. He insisted on having another drink to which she reluctantly obliged. I hate people who ignore red flags. It is only after they saw figures resembling them, as the person who was playing "Let's Twist Again" started approaching, they fled from the place. 

They returned, with friends, after a few days to seek explanations. Those people were not there. Things were different. But she spotted them in a mural above. The jukebox had changed. The bartender had changed. This time it was a female. When asked about that night, she informed her that the place was run by her and her father. And it used to close at midnight. Damn!

The second story has the potential to be a solid screenplay. It features all the usual ingredients of the horror genre - A house, a family, a spirit: The usual suspects. This one was about a Dean named Mark. Oh, hi Mark. He comes across a stunning Victorian mansion and decides to shift with the family. On the day before the house tour, they pass by the mansion and one of his child points at a lady near a window. Thinking it as the owner, they drive away. Next day, the house tour is made. Upon reaching that particular room, Mike says he saw the owner near the window, the previous day. She declines, saying no one had entered that room for months. Yikes. The family is informed about the history of the house. By now, you would have guessed that the house is haunted. A woman committed suicide in 1948. People have even reported seeing her. 

Like a typical horror movie parent, Mike shrugs the suggestion and buys the house. One day, while moving boxes, he sees "his child" standing still and pale. He doesn't react after calling to his name. His son denies being present there. I would have left immediately, but Mike stays put. Great. After a point, he accepts there is a ghostly presence and calls in the experts. The investigators conduct an EVP session and conclude that the house is haunted. Duh. Mike decides to run his own EVP session. In his recording, he finds the ghost to answer "I like it here" to his question of the reason behind being in the house. 

The man bravely spends two years in the mansion when one day, a "voice" compels him to visit the attic. There he finds letters hidden away beneath the floorboard. We find out that the woman had an admirer who wanted to be with her, forever. After some encounters, the man finally didn't have the balls to leave his wife and come stay with her. And so, one day, she commits suicide. A good movie can be made out of it. I can sense melodramatic shades in here. After all, unfulfilled love is horror in itself.  

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