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MAGICAL PRESENTATIONS: A Blueprint for Making Every Digital Presentation Effective and Impactful

K. Rajanikanth, a Leadership Expert and CEO of WinnWin Leadership Academy, has published his new book titled "Magical Presentations."

This book has been designed with plenty of examples, frameworks and techniques to deliver impactful digital and face-to-face presentations. These concepts have been researched, tested and practiced extensively over several years as part of numerous workshops conducted by the author for many Fortune 500 companies around the world. Teachers, Trainers, Facilitators, Leaders, Executives, Presenters and Students, can use this book as a blueprint to deliver impactful workshops and presentations. The book encapsulates the key elements for an effective presentation - something that is quintessential for anyone looking to break into the corporate world. 

I was asked to review it, but due to some reasons, I cannot. Instead, I offered to put up an excerpt on my blog. Spread the word.

Chapter 1: Magicians are the Greatest Presenters. Great Presenters are Magicians

If you ask me the question: ‘Who is one of the greatest presenters on earth?’ I will definitely answer that it is a magician. Every time a magician is on the stage, magic happens. If you deconstruct any magic performance, you will see that the difference between a ‘trick’ and ‘magic’ lies in how a magician presents that trick. I became very curious about how a magician creates those magical moments and therefore started learning magic seriously. For the last three years, I have been learning magic skills by attending advanced courses and practicing those during my workshops and other events. Magic, so far, has been used primarily as a medium of entertainment, whereas, I started using magic as a very powerful educational tool. 

While learning and researching magicians’ styles of presentation, my research concluded that every magician follows five key elements to make a presentation magical. 

Parallelly, for the second part of my research, I studied one of the greatest presenters in the corporate world, Steve Jobs, who made each of his presentations magical. On decoding several of Steve Jobs’ presentations, I concluded that Steve Jobs also followed the five key elements to make his presentations magical.

Incidentally, a magician’s five key elements and Steve Jobs’ five key elements beautifully overlap with each other. 

This book will help you understand what these five key elements are and how you can incorporate them in your forthcoming presentations, be they in Sales, Functional, Technical, Leadership or Management presentations. Let the magical journey begin… 

How to derive maximum benefits from this book: 

a. Keep one of your presentations (technical, functional, business, management, project), that you have already presented or one you will be presenting shortly, ready with you. This is a very important step. 

b. At the end of a few chapters, there will be specific homework/exercises for each one of you to do. Don’t ignore them. Do the homework/exercises before you go on to the new chapter. 

c. Don’t skip chapters. Each and every chapter is beautifully interlinked. You will be surprised to see all the links of the chain once you finish all the chapters.

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