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Caught by a Wave Movie Review - Low Tides

Massimiliano Camaiti's Caught by a Wave needed more love, more craving.

Sara (Elvira Camarrone) and Lorenzo (Roberto Christian), two college students, meet at a sailing camp. It's summer, and the teens at this camp find pleasure and coolness near the water. There is something in the warmth of this season that makes and embraces couples under its shield. Relationships are generally developed in summer, while the breakup is designated for the winter. If one were to apply logic in this matter of heart to understand why romance develops more in summer. The person would end up deducing a simple, rational explanation. People go out more during summer than in winter, increasing their probability of finding a suitor.

Anyway, the spark between Sara and Lorenzo immediately turns into an inextinguishable fire. Their initial meet-cute consists of them pushing each other to perform stunts they normally wouldn't carry out. Sara jumps over the fire when Lorenzo refuses to do so. Lorenzo bunks from the camp with Sara at night when she teases him for not doing so for four years. This is them flirting and putting on a different, more effervescent personality. We never take our natural self to a first date. In order to impress the other partner, we put on an appealing guise. Sara and Lorenzo could be the most boring people on this earth, but when they are together, they radiate a vibe that coruscates like a lake that sparkles when the sun hits it just right. 

But as I mentioned something about putting on guises. Sara is concealing information from Lorenzo, fearing it might cover her lovey-dovey sunshine with clouds of pain. She is suffering from muscular dystrophy, a disease where the muscles get weaker over time. If you have not guessed yet, she will eventually leave the world. Voilà! You have a doomed romance in the vein of The Fault in Our Stars, which unequivocally serves as an inspiration behind Massimiliano Camaiti's Italian film. There are scenes that seem to be taken out (and modified) from The Fault in Our Stars. In the American film, the couple makes a trip to the Anne Frank House. Here they go to a rocky island. There, the couple gazes towards the night sky. Here, they look at the roof of a museum. There are other references too, but I will leave them for you to find out (if you are in the mood). 

The Fault in Our Stars, however, gave some characterization to its passionate duo. We knew they loved books and recommended their favorites to each other. Sara and Lorenzo like sailing, but they do not enthusiastically speak on the subject. Maybe the topic of sailing is limited and does not allow in-depth conversations as compared to the books. I don't know much about it. Still, you can discuss sailing techniques or anything to show why you enjoy this particular activity. Instead, it's reduced to a bridge performing the basic function of connecting these two individuals for the sake of the story. Caught by a Wave asks us to buy into the relationship, romance, and companionship between Sara and the other patients at the hospital. You do not feel any of these things. It doesn't help that the film proceeds as if ticking off boxes rather than letting the emotions speak. The songs do no favors to the film (except for the last one).

Nevertheless, I would be lying if I said that the emotions are always on mute. There is honesty in this romance, and it sporadically escapes through the cracks. Certain scenes worked so well that I was surprised by my reaction to them. There is love in the air when Sara and Lorenzo open up in the former's bedroom. You can experience the heartache when Sara speaks to her dad inside the car (they reminiscent about the past). Then there is that bittersweet feeling you get at the sight of a face looking out of the car or staring upwards towards a ceiling. These moments are far from original. They are derived from been-there-seen-before sources. But they explode beautifully and fill the void (most of it) present in the movie. The mentioned bits are driven by heart, i.e., the characters live in and introspect on the terrifying situation encompassing them. More than appreciation, you are filled with frustration after viewing these segments as you wonder why the hell didn't Camaiti, along with writer Claudia Bottino, include more such scenes where the characters simply let their hearts bleed. It would have added more ardor to this...limp. Another plus point should be given to the fact that Caught by a Wave resists manipulating us with the disease. Sara doesn't feel sorry for herself and expects the same from the others. The film, thankfully, obliges.

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