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Paddy Nolan-Hall, a.k.a. The Caftan Woman

Today I extend my well wishes, as well as Happy Birthday, to your friend and mine, Paddy Nolan-Hall, the Caftan Woman, whose blog is a source of delight for classic film fans.  So is Paddy, too, a source of delight, and inspiration.

I'm not sure when we first crossed paths, as we've both been blogging for over a decade, but somewhere down the line kindred spirits discovered each other, maybe cemented by certain coincidences in our lives.  She even helped me over a rough patch several years ago for which I will always be grateful. 

I had the pleasure of her input on this blog in the form of comments guaranteed to be smart, witty, and sometimes poignant, and also her visit here in this guest spot.  But to really experience her genius, and her warmth, you must visit her blog.  For starters, try this bit of Charlie Chan haiku.  No, really, that's a thing.

Paddy is a several-times winner of awards for her blog from the Classic Movie Blog Association, she's a playwright, a singer, an actress, and is probably the most knowledgeable person about classic film trivia that I've ever encountered, and her encyclopedic knowledge extends to TV as well.  When it comes to opera, don't tangle with her.

With her avid participation in blogathons and her generous comments on the blogs of participants, there are probably few classic film bloggers who don't know and love the Caftan Woman.  

Many of you probably also know that Paddy has recently undergone a kidney transplant.  Perhaps the most raw courage in the human experience is the kind required of a patient to get well.  We wish very good health for our Paddy.  May she be watching her classic films soon and telling us what she thinks.  Not necessarily in haiku form.  Iambic pentameter is okay, too.

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