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Roohi, On Netflix, Fails As Spine-Chilling Horror, Rib-Tickling Comedy And Powerful Social Commentary


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A girl is kidnapped from the middle of a street and transported to a wedding venue. She is told it’s for her own good. The boy is an engineer and earns well. The girl initially protests but then eventually agrees to the plan after laying eyes on the pieces of jewellery. This whole charade is filmed with a comical tone, and this tone makes sense. The village, Baagadpur, is known for bride kidnapping. In fact, it’s common practice for them to abduct girls against their wishes – ancient tradition is what it is. This awful activity has become so routine that it has been drained of shock and taken the form of farce. Instead of fighting against it, people have begun to amuse themselves with it. Hence, the jokey gaze lands perfectly.

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