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N.U.N.S. with Nunchucks Movie Review - Nun Spy

Lorenzo Gutiérrez's short film is delightfully absurd and holds a political angle. 

I cracked a smile when I got to know that I have been asked to review a film called N.U.N.S. with Nunchucks. The title ignited a slew of scenarios in my mind, including but not limited to that of nuns fighting and saving the church from a zombie attack with nothing more than nunchucks. I drowned in my own weird amusements while eagerly waiting for the screener. I was sure with a name like this, the film would undoubtedly be over-the-top and eccentric. My suspicions were confirmed after watching the short film by Lorenzo Gutiérrez.

Set in a distant future within the city of Los Mutantes, N.U.N.S. with Nunchucks has all the trappings of sci-fi, but it derives its core from real-world politics. It takes its cue from the passing of Bill 21. For those of you who are unaware, Bill 21 is Quebec's secularism law which became official in 2019. According to it, certain public workers are forbidden from wearing religious symbols (hijab, dastar, etc.) at work. The film opens with this particular announcement from Jean Versacon (Patty Keach), a tyrant leader belonging to the Catholic Association of Quebec (C.A.Q.). She has an eye patch like a pirate and a glaring red costume representing her villainous nature. Everything about her screams, "I am a bad person." 

Enter Freda Davis (Alejandra Jiménez) and Lucille Nero (Jasmine Winter) from the National Union of National Spies or N.U.N.S. to annihilate Jean's rule. Despite Freda's martial arts skill and Lucille's x-ray vision (which can literally do the work of an x-ray), the two fall short of (wo)manpower and decide to recruit a wrestler named Betty Powell (Natasha Perry-Fagant). In a series of farcical sequences (the film is filled with it), Betty first refuses to join the force and then later agrees to it after receiving a "package." 

N.U.N.S. with Nunchucks is covered with excessively exaggerated humor. Inside a restaurant, which serves popcorn like in a movie theatre and has a corner for people to stand and have discussions, you will find everyone dressed in Halloween-type costumes. The bulletproof vests are deliberately designed to look weaker. The business card given to Betty is a piece of white paper with name and number scribbled on it. Gutiérrez, who has written this short with Vincenzo Nappi, uses absurdism (and his adoration for exploitation cinema) to bring out the ridiculousness behind the passing of Bill 21 in Quebec. The characters act in that mode where they deliver slapstick humor without finding anything funny in the substance. This is how Betty initially refuses the offer, "If I could, I would, but I can't." N.U.N.S. with Nunchucks is ludicrously wacky, and I will be waiting for the release of The Moth-Woman From Planet XYZ-19.

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