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My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell It To Film Review


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For a minute, just sit back and think about this title: My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell It To. What do you think? Perhaps, a romantic saga in the vein of Romeo and Juliet? Or a cheesy boy-meets-girl love story complete with the usual melodramatic trappings? Let’s move on and take a look at the trailer. The one I saw came with quotes like, “A gem of a horror film.” Indeed, the way the trailer is edited leads you to expect a creepy monster film (thank god, I watched it after seeing the movie). I do not blame the makers and the marketing team for selling this movie as a horror film. How many of you would buy the tickets or rent this film online if you got to know that it’s an understated drama dealing with familial sacrifice? Not many, I believe. This “false marketing” proves what a sad reality we live in where people are expected to get excited over a monotonous horror affair than a thought-provoking narrative. 

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