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The Old Ways, On Netflix, Tries Hard But Fails To Deliver On Its Promise And Premise


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What makes a horror movie good? Depends on who you are asking. Some like theirs with ample jump scares, while others seek heavy themes like familial grief. However, both sides can agree that basically, all they want is to be frightened by a horror film. If it has raised your hair or made you fearful of the dark corners in your house, then the film has done its job. But at times, you come across well-made movies that really try to send chills down your spine. Unfortunately, they are either executed shabbily or lack sufficient meat for the audience to bite. Director Christopher Alender’s The Old Ways is an example of this type of film. One part of you wants to appreciate it for the effort it puts in, while the other sits disappointed due to the scarcity of scares.    

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